Friday, October 12, 2007

I am actually excited about this weekend. Since Anna's Saturday game was rescheduled and played last night (they lost 5-3 against the best team in the division-it was a very close game), we have designated Saturday as a deep-cleaning day. We're going to assign the kids tasks such as cleaning the baseboards, windows, cabinets, storm doors, etc., while we tackle bigger jobs like cleaning/organizing the garage and cleaning behind/underneath the major appliances. I also plan to give the showers, tub and tiled/linoleum floors a good scrubbing and organize our deep freeze. I got some good feedback from Laura the Organizing Junkie, so I'm going to pick up some containers such as milk crates to sort the meat and other stuff.

Then to reward ourselves, we may go to the centennial parade in downtown OKC. Since we won't see another centennial in our lifetime, we thought we should try to participate in some of these events.

However, if the Watonga cheese festival hadn't been cancelled, that's what I would be doing today. I'm very disappointed because this was the perfect year for me to go on Friday -- no kid to pick up from school in the middle of the day. I can't believe they didn't consult me before cancelling it! :)

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