Thursday, May 7, 2009

Sometimes I'm afraid my oldest son is becoming too much like me. I rarely laugh out loud, and I'm usually too serious. However, apparently he doesn't perceive me as a kill-joy. During the morning assembly at school, his class has the opportunity to share why their mothers are special. Jeremy described me as fun and exciting. I'm not sure where that came from.

But to support his positive image of me, the gifts he made me at school (which he insisted I open this evening) stated in a variety of ways that I am nice, silly and fun. Good to know that my crankiness is not the overriding memory he has of his childhood so far.

I still believe he has inherited my dry sense of humor. When I was telling the kids that the new principal at one of the other elementary schools in town was my high school history teacher and I used to babysit his kids, Jeremy responded by saying, "he TRUSTED you?" Once he took a look at my face, he promptly followed that up with, "Were you the best student in his class?" I honestly told him it wasn't very hard when there were only about six kids in the class and four of them barely passed.

Jeremy is definitely one of a kind.

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