Wednesday, January 23, 2008

So far, so good

I tried the cash-only, envelope system for groceries. I've stuck to it fairly well and have done OK -- for me. I've depleted the envelope and had to dip into other cash to restock the milk supply, but that's not too bad, right? We had to go by the store tonight to buy diapers, and D wanted to know if we needed to buy anything else for dinner tomorrow night. I told him I wasn't sure what we were having, but it didn't matter because we had enough stuff at home to make something. That is great progress for me. As a result, we are having Uncle Ben's Hearty Broccoli and Cheese Soup out of a box. It's got to be something D bought sometime because it's not the kind of thing I would pick up.

My other way of not spending as much money is to buy a 1/2 lb. of boneless bbq wings at the store on Monday and eat it for lunch on Tuesday and Wednesday. It's also a good way to control my portions. The other day is left open for leftovers or to pick up something downtown. However, tomorrow I'm going to eat leftover pasta bake. Again, I'm making amazing progress -- I'm actually eating leftovers!

Also, it doesn't take much for me to find an excuse to go out to eat to celebrate and tonight would have been really easy. Anna was the alternate in her class for the third-grade spelling bee, and one of her classmates wasn't there, so she was chosen to participate. She made it to round five, even spelling "vehicle" correctly. Pretty impressive considering we never practice those spelling bee booklets they send home. Anyway, I asked her what she wanted for dinner to celebrate. Before she would've said McDonald's or Braum's or Chili's. I'm happy to say she chose hotdogs. Progress.


Anonymous said...

Laughing at myself. My tired eyes thought you sarcastically called it "Uncle Ben's Hearty Broccoli & Cheese SOAP out of a box." Sheesh.

Dayna said...

It might taste like soap...I'll let you know.