Tuesday, November 13, 2007

I have almost decided it was for the best that I was not surprised with a laptop or MP3 player because I know it would not have been paid for with cash. As we enter the gift-buying time of the year (even more so for my family with all the birthdays except Jack's), I'm planning to use cash for everything. Fortunately because of my many travels over the past month, I will get a nice expense check at the end of this month. So on Dec. 1 I'm going shopping.

I'm using a Christmas organizing/budget tool online thanks to my friend Amber. I know that if I have a list of what I'm going to buy the kids, I manage my money much better. Last year, I did not stick to a list and the spending got way out of control. (I'll blame post-partem mood swings for that.)

So my plan for purchasing technology for myself is to use this strange new method called "saving the money until I have enough to buy it." Interesting concept. I'll let you know how that goes.


Anonymous said...

Yea! Glad that Organized Christmas has helped. And in hour of your last paragraph, check out this SNL commercial spoof. http://www.milkandcookies.com/link/41738/detail/

Anonymous said...

Disclaimer: that should be "honor of," not hour.

Curse of the journalist. Feel compelled to admit typing error.